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15/B Miranda House, New York, US

Career Summary:

• Re-engineering Core Infrastructure Industries / Strategic Planning – 28 years.

Written and Documented Performance Testimonials From Reporting Seniors / Clients:


… Our principle source and reference … concerning … congressional acquisition decisions for … The KC-767 Tanker, The F-22 and The F-35 …Senator John McCain, Chairman, Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.


… Our principle source and reference concerning the 2001 US Airways / United Airlines merger … Senator Arlen Specter, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee.


… The most capable officer with whom I have served … Vice Admiral Dan Oliver … Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Resources, Requirements & Assessments (N8).


… The driving force behind the Global Air Logistics Reorganization … aggressive, forceful, innovative … the consummate officer with vision, knowledge and foresight… Vice Admiral Dan Oliver, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Resources, Requirements & Assessments (N8).


… Superior Manager … Master Planner … the best “Big Picture” officer on my staff … Vice Admiral J. D. Williams, Commander, Sixth Fleet.


… His foresight, initiatives and timely response … enabled Seventh Fleet to respond with confidence, force, and conviction involving operations in the Gulf of Aden and the Sea of Japan … Adm. James D. Watkins, Commander-In-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet.


… A “one man think tank, who makes things happen” … Rear Admiral J. S. Coleman, Commander Fleet Air Mediterranean.


… A premier leader … totally professional … unprecedented achievement …Capt. Roger Flower, Commanding Officer, VX-5.


… A superb aviator, exemplary officer, and exceptionally capable and dedicated flight instructor … absolutely the best of over 300 officers in the airwing … Capt. Jude Lahr, Commodore, Training Airwing Six.


… The most complete, compelling and accurate … Analysis of the Airline Industry … that I have read in my … 60 years in the industry … Mort Beyer … Principle, Mort Beyer Agnew Associates, Washington DC.

Career Highlights:

Full spectrum analysis for the natural gas industry, integrating the Marcellus & Utica Shale resources … redefining global energy distribution and marketing metrics.

• Wrote the defining decision paper for Congress and DOJ recommending against the 2001 United / US Airways merger. Why? Answer … Massive Fraud.

• Advisor to the Commanding General of the Kuwait Air Force … 2004/2005.

• Drafted the 10-year strategic plan for the nation of Kuwait … 2004 / 2005.

• $500 million savings in aircraft upgrade costs through better integration, coordination and timing.

• Created the software and processes for electronic integration of the manufacturing and sales systems/teams … 1997 thru 1999 … Durkan Carpet and Shaw Industries.

• The “Mr. Fix-It Guy” on five (5) continents.

• Wrote the defining “White Paper” that prompted the US Navy and DOD to contract with commercial air carriers (the airlines) for all unused cargo space. Improved global delivery times by 30%, $2.7 billion in reduced operating costs, 80% reduction in total logistics systemic risk.

• Formulated, staffed, and implemented the US Navy Global Air Logistics Reorganization … 23% increase in operational efficiency … $39.8 million annual savings in direct operating costs.

• Established Air Command and Control for US and Allied Air Forces under General Horner for Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

• Formulated, initiated, staffed, and gained Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) approval for the establishment of Strike University, the post graduate equivalent of Top Gun at the Joint / Combined / Integrated Air Warfare level.

• Directed 147 sailors, responsible for … 28 aircraft / 10 Model / Series. Established the highest operational, maintenance and administrative performance metrics for an Operational Test & Evaluation Squadron on record. Awarded several personal and unit performance awards.

• Strike Operations Officer & Fighter Operations Officer … for three (3) US Navy Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups (CVBGS); One (1) Marine Corps Amphibious Readiness Group (MARG) and 50% of our Allied Navies, under Admirals Bob Kirksey and Hunt Hardisty, (CTF-70). Directed/supported the Iran Hostage Crisis Rescue.

• Iran Hostage Crisis (1980), Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990), Provide Comfort (1991), NATO Bosnia / Herzegovina Campaign (1991/1992),


I rebuild … people, equipment, machines, organizations, industries, nations, and governments … through unprecedented analysis and attention to detail … while fostering … core values, teamwork and loyalty.

Wes Maughan
W. E. Maughan
A US Citizen
Founder / Chief Executive
Maughan Industries LLC
"Creating What Shall Be"
55 Glen Lee Lane
Coatesville, PA 19320-0425
Tel: +1.484.786.8101

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